5 Pro Tips On Using Twitter Spaces To Grow Your Following

- PlatformTwitter
- ServiceTwitter Spaces is a feature on Twitter that allows users to host live conversations with anyone with an account. Hosts can invite up to 11 speakers to join in and are available for anyone to listen to. It is an especially useful tool if you have an established Twitter following because you don’t need to get followers to join another platform to hear your conversations, you can keep all your content in one place.
- CreatorWOLF Financial
With over 75,000 Twitter followers and 2,000 hours of hosted Twitter Spaces events under his belt, Gav Blaxberg (@WOLF_Financial) knows how to build – and sustain – a captivated audience. In just two years, Gav has used Twitter to attract a niche finance and investing community to help not just build their wealth and knowledge, but also his own. He has hosted some major speakers on his Spaces, like Brian Shannon (@alphatrends), Doug Boneparth (@dougboneparth), FinTwit’s favorite meme doctor Parik Patel (@ParikPatelCFA), Ross Gerber (@GerberKawasaki). He even hosted a Spaces with @saxena_puru that had 10,000 live listeners and 50,000 listeners of the recording. Twitter Spaces presented a natural progression for Gav – it became the perfect platform for him to interact in new ways with his mutuals and followers in a live conversation.

So what’s all the hype around Twitter Spaces? If you’re new to the feature, here’s a bit of an intro:
Twitter Spaces is a feature on Twitter that allows users to host live conversations with anyone with an account. Hosts can invite up to 11 speakers to join in and are available for anyone to listen to. It is an especially useful tool if you have an established Twitter following because you don’t need to get followers to join another platform to hear your conversations, you can keep all your content in one place.
Twitter Spaces also offers flexibility with its usage. Hosts can stay on Spaces as long as needed with no time limit, set up reminders, record Spaces for followers to listen to later, live tweet, comment, and answer DMs all during the event. Since Twitter Spaces is audio only, hosts don’t need to be on camera, like Instagram or TikTok Live, and followers don’t need to be invited to create an account, like Clubhouse.
Spaces is open for anyone to join in, both followers and hosts have a stronger chance of networking and pulling in a larger audience. And with 187 million daily Twitter users, there is a lot of audience to capture. Twitter Spaces is bringing this number up even more, with Twitter expected to gain up to 315 million daily users by 2023 thanks to new features like Spaces. Twitter is the ultimate hub to create content, communicate directly with followers, and have live talks that can reach millions of users.
The question is how do you continue to grow your brand, reach new audiences, and keep the current following interested – and how can you monetize all of this?
So, we figured there was no one better than Gav to answer these questions and offer his five tips.
1. Multitasking is Your Number One Priority
Hosting a Twitter Spaces is a major task to take on. Along with making sure the event runs smoothly by actively listening and asking insightful follow-up questions and prompts, the host also needs to fact-check, provide relevant links, and mediate conversations. Gav said while he hosts he is constantly scanning Twitter to answer chat questions, DMs, or comments, as well as having news articles, links, memes, tweets, and more at the ready in the event someone asks a question. A host needs to be involved, present, and prepared to be engaged with people – not just those listening to the Spaces, but also those interacting elsewhere online.
2. Consistency, Consistency, Consistency
To stand out from other Spaces hosts, it takes consistent focus, commitment, and organization. Gav has built a consistent stream of events with a structure in mind for conversation, not just one-off responses. One-off events are great, but they aren’t as effective in capturing an audience’s attention and keeping them coming back. That’s why Gav does over 40 hours of Spaces each week. He dedicates time to schedule who his speakers are, lock in their time slots, publish graphics to accompany the Spaces, and set reminders for followers to stay in the loop of upcoming events.
3. Put Yourself Out There
Gav found out about Twitter Spaces from a couple accounts he follows utilizing the platform. Seeing this as a great outreach opportunity to engage with mutuals and learn from them, he began to listen to their Spaces. Gav quickly transitioned into becoming a speaker for these events. This was back when he only had a couple hundred followers, not his current verified 75,000 account. That amount of growth didn’t just happen on its own. Gav made the effort to build connections with people who were in similar communities, but may have not answered a DM. No matter the size of your online presence, it’s important to put yourself out there, reach out to fellow creators, and attend their Spaces. And when you’re in these Spaces, listen to their conversations, be curious, and ask educated questions. When you show interest in wanting to connect, people respond to that. Getting into others’ Spaces, contributing to the conversation, starting your own conversation, and reaching out is the best way to grow your network. As Gav began hosting his own Twitter Spaces, he teamed up with co-host and fellow stock market know-all Evan (@StockMKTNewz). Evan and Gav became frequent collaborators and helped each other reach more listeners by promoting upcoming Spaces on each of their accounts and pulling in not just Gav’s followers, but Evan’s and Bullish Rippers’ (@BullishRippers) following.
4. Behind-the-Scenes Prep is Crucial
You know that saying, "If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready"? A lot of work goes behind-the-scenes of a Spaces event before it even goes live on Twitter. For Gav, hosting Spaces from Monday to Friday means that Saturdays and Sundays are all about scheduling. Gav is constantly DMing and reaching 100-500 people a week and scheduling them to come on his Spaces. This grind of work means organization, time management, but also prioritizing self-accountability. Staying on top of yourself to do the work and prep so the week of Spaces is the best that it can be. Gav is the one who ensures that he is touching base with sponsors, discussing what guests are coming, what topics will be discussed during what time, along with building out graphics, and developing a dozen recurring Spaces during the week to be as prepared and efficient as possible during his off days from hosting. This prep ensures that Gav is ready and confident during his Spaces to keep the dialogue going so there is no white noise or loss of conversational momentum with listeners and guests. TLDR: Get a planner and use a calendar!
Follow Gav’s calendar below to stay up-to-date on his upcoming Spaces and guests:

5. Recognize there is an Economy for Spaces – and Know Your Worth
Realizing your content and product has value. Sponsors and brands want to utilize your platform to spread their message to your audience. So ensure you are getting compensation for the value you are providing. Recognize that there is an economy for Spaces and a potential for monetization, so don’t sell yourself short and provide your value for free. If you are unsure how to navigate monetization, utilize the resources around you and reach out to the experts! Gav partnered up with Bullish (@BullishStudio) to secure Spaces sponsorships and continue to be compensated for his content.

Growing your audience takes time and finding the right platform to help you expand your brand is essential. Twitter Spaces is a great tool to have consistent live conversation with your following and interact in a unique way. These five tips will help any content creator starting out on Twitter Spaces grow and build an audience. Excited to jump into Spaces? Join Gav’s or Bullish Rippers’ conversations and connect with others in the community!
And a BONUS sixth tip: Water, lots of water! Trust us, from someone who has done 10 hours straight of Spaces, tons of water is necessary.