Love & Other Drugs: Scenes From Cash Only's Valentine's Weed Market

Cash Only
February 23, 2023
Just before Valentine’s Day, Cash Only partnered with Dirty Magazine to throw our second market party — Love & Other Drugs.

At an undisclosed location in downtown Manhattan, we had two dozen vendors — a mix of legacy cannabis brands and art/smut peddlers — three peep show performers, four DJs, and all-day erotica screenings courtesy of AfterglowXO and DGAF World. Nearly 3,000 people came, and we documented some of the action in real-time.

Big thanks to everyone who came, particularly our vendors and peep show performers (Crackhead Barney, Natassia Dreams, and Madison Murray).

Watch some of the highlights from the 420 spectacular, and stay tuned for details about our next market!

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